You're accessing our list of Supply Chain Management and Logistics feature articles and news stories, sorted in reverse date order, from our News and Views section
Calculator to Estimate the Potential Impact of Voice on E-Fulfillment Costs and E-Commerce Profitability
New Simple Spreadsheet Tool to Estimate Reduction and Fulfillment Costs and Improvement in e-Commerce Bottom Line from Potential Move to Voice Technology
TOPICS : Distribution | e-fulfillment | ecommerce | Logistics costs | Logistics | Order picking | Retail industry supply chainDC Complexity Calculator Beta Version Spreadsheet
The beta version of SCDigest and Distributon Digest's groundbreaking diagnostic to measure ypur level of distribution center complexity.
TOPICS : Distribution | LogisticsWarehouse Management System (WMS) Resource Page
Find information, expert insight, vendors solutions, a video overview, case studies and more Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). Includes recent downloadable edition of Supply Chain Digest Letter on WMS.
TOPICS : Distribution | Logistics | Supply Chain Execution (SCE) | Supply chain software | Warehouse Mananagement SystemsSales and Operations Planning Resource Page
Find information, expert insight, vendors solutions, a video overview, case studies and more Sales and Operations Planning (S and OP). Includes recent downloadable edition of Supply Chain Digest Letter on Sales and Operations Planning..
TOPICS : Demand planning/management | Sales and Operarions Planning (S&OP) | Sales Inventory & Operations Planning | Supply chain and sales-marketingLabor Management System (LMS) Resource Page
Find information, expert insight, vendors solutions, a video overview, case studies and more on the Supply Chain Digest Letter on Labor Management Systems in Distribution
TOPICS : Distribution | Labor Management Systems | Warehouse Mananagement SystemsTransportation Infrastructure Graphic
A full size image showing the disparity between the growth in vehicle miles traveled by car and truck on U.S. highways and the growth in lane miles over the same period.
TOPICS : TransportationSupply Chain Network Planning and Optimization Resource Page
A variety of supply chain pressures are causing a strong interest in supply chain network planning and optimization software. On this page, we provide a variety of resources to help you understand and select the supply chain network planning and optimization software that is right for you.
TOPICS : Inventory optimization | Network design/optimization | Supply Chain Planning software | Supply chain software | Supply chain strategyWarehouse Management System Total Cost of Ownership Calculator
SCDigest''s exclusive Excel-based Total Cost of Ownership Calculator for Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
TOPICS : Supply Chain Execution (SCE) | Vendor selection | Warehouse Mananagement Systems