About Supply Chain Digest™

Supply Chain Digest is the industry's most valuable supply chain management and logistics publication. Supply Chain Digest is a weekly, on-line newsletter with lively information, news and commentary that summarizes and synthesizes important information for busy supply chain and logistics professionals. Editor Dan Gilmore's weekly "First Thoughts" column is cited by other supply chain practioners and commentators across the globe.

Unlike other newsletters, which simply repeat vendor press releases and fail to provide insight or context to the latest news, Supply Chain Digest reviews hundreds of news articles, research reports, analyst opinions and other news sources to identify the information and news that is most valuable you. This information is provided with expert commentary that puts the news in context, and offers insight into important issues and trends.

Our most recent feature, Supply Chain News Bites, quickly summarizes important news in just a few paragraphs, delivering the news you need to keep up to speed on supply chain management and logistics topics in just a few minutes.

We are also pioneering the use of Broadband video and audio to deliver our content, in partnership with The Supply Chain Television Channel.

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SCDigest also provides a wealth of other tools and resources:

  • Search our site using our powerful "search by topic" feature, which brings back content and materials from our site by dozes of available search terms
  • answers@scdigest.com, our unique feature in which readers submit their questions about supply chain strategy, practice, technology, or any other topics. Those questions are answered by our panel of experts, and by other readers sharing their expertise.
  • Expert Insight, our group of outstanding supply chain experts who regular contribute columns or insightful "blog" entries, plus guest columnists with a valuable point of view.
  • Supply Chain Videocasts ™ our unique video-based supply chain education series, delivered through streaming video over the web. Both live and "on-demand" events -see for yourself!
  • Valuable white papers, reports and tools, such as our total cost of ownership calculator for Warehouse Management Systems
  • Case studies on companies driving supply chain success, as only SCDigest does them.
  • Our weekly Supply Chain and Logistics Stock Index tracks the performance of leading publicly traded supply chain software and hardware companies, and carriers and logistics service providers.


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