The American Transportation Research Institute is recently out with its 18th annual “Top Industry Issues,” report, and for the first time in five years, the driver shortage was knocked off its perch as the top concern for the trucking industry.
Surpply Chain Digest Says...
The driver shortage fell just one spot to number 2, but ahead of number 4 driver compensation and driver retention at number 7, both of which are connected to the shortage that some in the industry think is largely a myth. |
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Instead, the top spot was taken by rising fuel costs, with diesel prices soaring in 2021.
The report is based on a large survey of about 4200 respondents across three main groups: professional truck drivers (47.2%), motor carrier executives and personnel (38.8%), and other industry stakeholders (14%), including industry suppliers, driver trainers, and law enforcement.
Respondents were asked to rate the top, second and third place trucking sector issues from a defined list, though write-in issues were allowed. The survey takers were also asked to indicate the three best responses to each issue they picked, again from a prepopulated list.
Total scores were then calculated, using a weighted average, meaning the top issue or response picked was given a score of three, then two for the second choice, and one for third.
Using that approach, the top 10 issues can be seen in the graphic below from ATRI report.
So with soaring fuel costs, what does the trucking industry as a whole view as the top solution?
1. Advocate for federal actions that help stabilize the supply of fuel and minimize price volatility- which seems to represent a mixed bag of levers, including expanding refining capacity, increasing domestic drilling, even a “fuel tax holiday."
2. Research potential factors that may be affecting fuel availability and pricing volatility – which involves more research to fully understand the complex interplay of factors affecting the nation’s fuel supply.
Source: ATRI
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3. Promote financial incentives for alternative and renewable fuels to support growth and reduce costs during development and market expansion – however, fewer than 10% of respondents (6.8%) believe the best approach for addressing high fuel costs is expansion of other fuel sources including alternative and renewable fuels.
The driver shortage fell just one spot to number 2, but ahead of number 4 driver compensation and driver retention at number 7, both of which are connected to the shortage that some in the industry think is largely a myth.
The top response to the driver shortage was supporting outreach initiatives targeting high school students and young adults – tactics which SCDigest has to wonders would really have much impact.
After five years of driver shortage as the top issue and now fuel costs in 2022, what was the top issue in 2016? The electronic logging device (ELD) mandate.
The full report from ATRI is available here: Critical Issues in Trucking 2022
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