US manufacturing is certainly on something of a rebound, with revenues and profits strong, even if the great reshoring trend hasn't exactly exploded.
Every year, Industry Week magazine compiles a list of the top 500 US manufacturers. The list for 2018, based on 2017 revenues, was just released. Below, we show the new top 50, from number 1 Exxon Mobile to pharmaceuticals company Amgen at number 50. It now takes more than $22 billion in sales to crack the top 50.
Top 50 US Manufacturing Companies by 2017 Revenues

Source: Industry Week
It should be noted that the list doesn't distingguish betweem US and global sales revenues for these companies, and of course many on this list have significant non-manufacturing related revenues, from Exxon Mobile gas stations to all the consulting done by IBM, which now represents far revenue than its computer hardware sales.
Why is software company Oracle Corp. on the list at number 31? Probably because it sells some computers after acquiring Sun Microsystems in 2010, and maybe some other hardware from buying Point of Sale provider Micros a few years ago.
Not sure how Twenty-First Century Fox is on the list.
So as always make sure you understand the data you are looking at - but it's an intersting list nonetheless.
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