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Other Great Captions
"We need three approvals to buy a box of pencils as it is."
Dave Keller
Buffalo, New York
"I supposed pruning the senior management ranks is out of the question?"
Mark Fry
Topeka, KS
"What is Santa’s trick to making all those deliveries with just one driver and rig?"
"At least we’re not using the word "slashing" again this year."
Fred Koeck
Derby Supply Chain Solutions
"If a little Blockchain is good, wouldn’t a bigger Blockchain be great?"
Rusty Hall
JDA Software
"May I suggest a slasher movie? "
Lew Miller
"So, instead of sharpening their pencils, our suppliers should be sharpening their knives?"
Eddie Todd
VSE Corporation
"What actually is the step beyond cutting to the bone?"
Shelby Simpson
Morristown, TN
"Is it safe to assume they are not referencing new box cutters for the warehouse staff?"
Deanna K. Peters
Printpack Inc.
"I can bring the baloney…"
Gary La Point
University of Syracuse
"Will this be death by a thousand cuts?"
Robert Surdan