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Supply Chain Cartoon Caption Contest

Supply Chain Cartoon Caption Winner for Feb. 15, 2010 Contest

Dual Winners, as Gerry Anderson of Freight Intelligence Corp. and Lillian Polz of Hanna, Zappa & Polz Take Home the Prize

Week: Feb 15, 2010

Gerry Anderson submission


Lillian Polz submission

Each winner will receive a nice framed picture of the cartoon with their winning entry and acknowledgement from SCDigest.

Every six months, SCDigest readers will vote on the best cartoon for that period among the bi-monthly winners, and that person will win a special prize to be determined soon.

This week's Supply Chain Cartoon Caption Contest Winners (each so good we had to pick two!):


Gerry Anderson

Freight Intelligence Corp.

Lillian Polz

Hanna, Zappa & Polz


Both will receive a framed copy of their cartoons with recognition from Supply Chain Digest and be eligible for our semi-annual prize as voted on by readers.

This was a very hard contest - dozens of great ones, and more than 100 submissions in total!

See other great captions below. We had a number of similar ones with an "amusement park" theme, and as always, first with the basic idea gets the publicity.

New cartoon on the SCDigest web site on Monday, Feb. 29, 2010.


Have an idea for a cartoon?

We would love that too, and will give you the credit.

Send us you idea at:


Other Good Entries

We are getting dozens and dozens of entries, and only have room for a few of the best of the rest. Keep  your entries coming!

“The boxes on the sorter go round and round, round and round..."



Corey Weekes

HBC Supply Chain Optimization


“The conveyor project was won by the theme park contractor…”

Eugene A. Sison
Rustan Supercenters Inc.


“It’s the latest thing, they call it Circular Queuing!”


Taylor Brady

HK Systems


“He was an efficiency engineer at the theme park.”


Mark A. Roberts

Haney Truck Line



"Managing this DC has been one hell of a roller coaster experience!"


Renny Chacko

Bangalore, India


“How else can we ensure line velocity meets standard?”

David J. Gaskill
Toto USA

"To improve morale we let the employees ride it every afternoon.”


Scott Jackson
Charleston, SC

"Well you see Joe, it's all part of Tsunami Wave Planning..."


Matthew Boland

“Good work Dale, but I don’t think this is what they had in mind by Vertical Integration.”


Kris Craig

Hanson Logistics

“This was Corporate HQ’s plan to include the DC in the loop.”

Peter Reynolds



"You know Joe, it all seems a lot harder than it was a few years ago...”


George Crawford


“I just wish they would mix the parts in the box before they pass them to us…”

John Gilman
Air Products

"This new accumulation conveyor seems a little over the top..."


Tref Hietpas
Parts Unknown


“I told you we could fit the conveyors in here.”


Nic Wood

USANA Health Sciences


“Next time move the barcode scanner instead.”


Neale Ollier
Invar Systems Ltd


Previous Cartoon Winners


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