Supply Chain News Bites - Only from SCDigest

-Jan. 14, 2010


Supply Chain Cartoon Caption Winner for Dec. 14, 2009 Contest

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We award Two Winners: Jennifer Makanoff of Dick's Sporting Goods and Darrel Kuhse of ITT Force Protection Systems; New Cartoon Next Week


Looks like you are enjoying our Supply Chain Cartoon caption contest; We received more than 60 submissions for our second cartoon - most of them again pretty darn good!

We extended this contest a bit given the Holiday slow down. In general, the pattern will a new cartoon one week, the winner the next, a new cartoon the following week, etc. So, two cartoons and two winners per month.

There were many great entries, and the crack SCDigest staff had a tough time picking this week's winner. So much so, in fact, that we are selecting two winners, who each offered funny captions on related themes, as you will find below.

Those winners are Jennifer Makanoff of Dick's Sporting Goods and Darrel Kuhse of ITT Force Protection Systems. You will find their winning entries below. Congratulations!

We have also started a prize for each caption contest winner. The winner(s) will received a framed, highly quality print of their cartoon and caption, with SCDigest and the date of the winning entry noted. We think you will like it!

Below that, we also publish what we felt were the best of the other entries - and there were many good ones.

As in several cases there were very similar entries from different readers, we went with the first one we received.

New cartoon next week! Have an idea for a cartoon? Send in your idea at the Feedback button below.



Jennifer Makanoff

Dick's Sporting Goods



Darrel Kuhse

ITT Force Protection Systems


Other good ones:


"….and this is where we process the Returns.  They’re our best associates!"


Bruce E Welty


I am positive that we are now compliant, but to what I have no idea!"

Ed DeMeo

Uniek Inc.

"Can we fine them for too many bar codes?

Dave Aukstikalnis

Welch Foods, Inc.


"I got ten bucks says the overhead scanner is gonna' blow up."


Rick Moser



"We certainly need to shorten our supply chain."


Rob Clemo

New Zealand


"This is exactly why I hate cycle counting."


Tom Donovan

tdSHIPS, Inc.


"What do you mean you don't know where it belongs in the warehouse? Just scan the bar code!"


Isaac McKeever

PLS Logistics Services


“…I’m not sure that this “Global Bar Code Standard” is quite what we are looking for…”


Dylan Brown

Icebreaker Limited

"Come on!! Get moving... You should know which one to scan!"


Srihari Vempati



“Do you think we have taken ‘Reuse / Recycle’ just a little too far?”



David K. Schneider

David K Schneider & Company, LLC



“This is an alternative to RFID technology.”


Eugene A. Sison
Rustan Supercenters Inc.


“Where is our Black Belt when we need him?”


Terence R. Whipple



"I know that we’re supposed to build in redundancy in our systems, but this is ridiculous!"

James R. Stock

University of South Florida


Keep them coming for next week's contest! Send in your cartoon ideas below!

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