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September 02, 2024China is Using Rare Earth Minerals to Fight Back against Tariffs
Price of Key Mineral Antimony Soaring with Planned Chinese Trade Restrictions
  Topics : China | Global supply chain | Material handling automation
June 13, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: For Apparel at Least, Little Nearshoring
While China Exports have Declined, Volumes going to Other Asian Countries
  Topics : China | Outsourcing/offshoring
May 29, 2024Supply Chain News: Tesla Reportedly Tells Suppliers to Stop Producing in both China and Taiwan
Geo-Political Risk – including an Invasion - is Just too High
  Topics : China | Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Procurement/Supplier Management
April 11, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: China Still Dominates Global Manufacturing
Someone Ought to Tell China Companies are Supposedly Leaving
  Topics : China | Manufacturing
February 23, 2024US Manufacturing and Chinese Solar Panels
Everything Costs Less in China
  Topics : China | Manufacturing | Supply chain costs
February 20, 2024Global Supply Chain News: China Dominates Ship Building, with the US, Europe almost Irrelevant
Huge Numbers of Commercial and Naval Ships being Built, often as Same Yards
  Topics : China | Global logistics
December 12, 2023Global Supply Chain News: Move Away from China Sourcing not So Easy
Chinese Companies Investing in Other Countries, moving from Assemblers to Component Makers
  Topics : China | Global sourcing | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
November 14, 2023Global Supply Chain News: China Raising Major Concerns with Renewed Push to Grow Exports to Fill its Excess Manufacturing Capacity
In a Period of Still High Inflation, Chinese Export Prices are Down 20%
  Topics : China | Economic News | Global sourcing | Global supply chain
August 25, 2023A Premature End to the China Century?
Old Success Model not Working Any More, as Economy Slows Dramatically
  Topics : China | Global supply chain
April 05, 2023Global Supply Chain News: Are “Spy Cranes” from China a Major US Security Risk?
Chinese Crane Maker ZPMC now Dominates the Market, with Machines Full of Sensors
  Topics : China | Global logistics | Ocean carriers | Supply Chain and Government | Supply chain risk

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