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August 10, 2016Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Working Capital Performance Over Time 2016
Cash Conversion Cycles and Inventory Levels Both Up by Double Digit Percentages Since 2010, REL Data Finds
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Inventory management
August 09, 2016Supply Chain News: Companies Stretched out Payments to Suppliers 5% in 2015
Annual REL Working Capital Report Finds Big Differences in Payables Practices Across Sectors
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Procurement/Supplier Management
August 04, 2016Supply Chain News: Inventory Performance 2016
Data Shows US Company Inventories Continue to Rise
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Inventory management | Supply chain costs | Supply chain excellence | Supply Chain studies
June 28, 2016Supply Chain by Design: Profit Maximization Feature and Amazon’s Focus on Lead Time to Grow Revenue
A Network Meant to Increase Revenues can be Designed Using the Cost Minimization Feature
  Topics : | Supply chain finance | Supply chain strategy
May 25, 2016Supply Chain by Design: Two Big Reasons You Don't Want to Maximize Profit in your Supply Chain Model
You may Think Maximizing Profit is Better Than Minimizing Cost, However, it Isn't in Most Cases
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Supply chain thought leadership
January 20, 2016Supply Chain News Makers Video Series: Highlights of the 2015 Return on Supply Management Assets (ROSMA) Report
Why Do Some Companies Realize So Much More from Their Return on Procurement Investment than Others?
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Procurement/Supplier Management
January 06, 2016Logistics News: Does Achieving ROI Get In the Way Of Growing the Business Through Material Handling Automation?
Creative Financing Methods can improve Project Adoption Rate
  Topics : Distribution | Supply chain finance | Material handling automation
January 04, 2016Supply Chain News: Leaders Get Far More Return from their Investment in Procurement
Latest ROSMA Study Finds Top Companies See Returns 12 Times their Investment in Procurement, versus Just 4 Times for the Average Firm
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Procurement/Supplier Management | Supply chain value
December 01, 2015eBook: Order-to-Cash + Procedure-to-Pay
This eBook discusses the growing importance for mid-market companies to integrate both functions for a more powerful and responsive supply chain. Provided by TAKE Supply Chain.
  Topics : Supply chain finance | Supply Chain Integration
October 24, 2015New Insights On How Social Responsibility Can Be Good For the Bottom Line
Even if Companies Don't Buy Alternative Fuel Trucks, There are Things That can be Done to Make a Fleet More Fuel Efficient
  Topics : Supply chain finance | GREEN_WEB

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