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March 14, 2023Supply Chain News: Will India Supplant China as Factory for the World?
Expert Says Tensions with China will Rise to the Point that Companies will be Forced To Move Manufacturing Out
  Topics : China | Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
February 08, 2023Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: US Way Behind in Car Battery Materials and Production
That is a Risky Position to be In
  Topics : Outsourcing/offshoring | Supply Chain Experts | Supply chain risk
January 10, 2023Supply Chain News: New Report from Capgemini Predicts Majority of Supplier bases to be Local in Three Years
25% of Current Global Trade will Flip to Local, Report Predicts
  Topics : Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Outsourcing/offshoring | Procurement/Supplier Management
July 13, 2022Supply Chain News: Is the Reshoring Movement Finally gaining Steam?
Spending on US Factory Construction is Soaring
  Topics : Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
January 10, 2022Supply Chain News: Hopes once again that Manufacturing will Return to US Shores
Supply Disruptions, High Shipping Costs, Co2 Emissions, Risk of Dependence on China for Key Goods
  Topics : Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
November 02, 2021Companies Once again Talking about Moving Sourcing from Asia – maybe this Time they Really Mean It
Companies are bringing Back Manufacturing, moving Away from Outsourcing, in an Effort to Gain more Control
  Topics : China | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring | Supply chain strategy
April 13, 2021Supply Chain News: Manufacturing Still Matters, with Swirling Dynamics around Possible Reshoring
Should US Government Subsidize US Semiconductor Production?
  Topics : China | Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
March 09, 2021Supply Chain News: Walmart to Spend $350 Billion over Decade on Made in US Goods
Program will Focus on Six Categories, Created 750,000 New Jobs
  Topics : Consumer goods industry supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring | Retail industry supply chain | Wal-Mart
March 02, 2021Supply Chain News: Would Weaker Dollar Bring Back US Manufacturing
Many Say Yes, including Biden Team officials, but It is Complicated
  Topics : China | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring | Supply Chain and Government
January 04, 2021Supply Chain News: US Must Revive Manufacturing Might, New York Times Op-Ed Says
National Security, the Economy and Good Jobs are at Stake
  Topics : Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring

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