| Honda, Nissan Merger Rumored in Move to Bulk Up against the Chinese Auto Dragon |
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 | Price of Key Mineral Antimony Soaring with Planned Chinese Trade Restrictions |
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 | While China Exports have Declined, Volumes going to Other Asian Countries |
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 | Geo-Political Risk – including an Invasion - is Just too High |
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 | Someone Ought to Tell China Companies are Supposedly Leaving |
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 | Everything Costs Less in China |
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 | Huge Numbers of Commercial and Naval Ships being Built, often as Same Yards |
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 | Chinese Companies Investing in Other Countries, moving from Assemblers to Component Makers |
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 | In a Period of Still High Inflation, Chinese Export Prices are Down 20% |
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 | Old Success Model not Working Any More, as Economy Slows Dramatically |
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