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July 11, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Key Takeaways from New Report on Electric Truck Adoption
Research Followed 22 BEV Trucks
  Topics : Green supply chain | Transportation | Trucking
June 27, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Slow Adopton of Alterative Fuel Trucks
Just a Few Carriers Dominat Limited Deployments
  Topics : Green supply chain | Transportation | Trucking
June 25, 2024Amazon Saying So Long to Plastic Fillers in Shipping Cartons
Paper Filler Performs Better, Amazon Finds
  Topics : | e-fulfillment | Green supply chain | Parcel shipping/parcel systems
June 25, 2024Supply Chain News: Warehouse Operators Slow to Add Solar Power on Roofs
Despite Lots of Interest, ROI can be Challenging
  Topics : Distribution | Green supply chain | Warehouse design
June 19, 2024Will California’s New Rules on Freight Trains get an OK from the EPA?
Rules Mandating Technology that doesn’t Exist, Many Critics Say
  Topics : Green supply chain | Rail carriers/transportation | Supply Chain and Government | Supply chain and the environment | Transportation
May 30, 2024Electric Truck Mandates “Disconnected from Reality,” ATA Blog Post Says
Technology, Infrastructure and Cost Barriers are High, ATA Argues
  Topics : Green supply chain | Logistics costs | Logistics | Transportation | Trucking
May 16, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: The High Cost of EV Trucks
Costs much Higher for EVs, Detailed Ryder Report Finds
  Topics : Green supply chain | Transportation | Trucking
May 14, 2024Ryder Study Sees High Costs from Converting to Electric Trucks
As much as 114% Higher Operating Costs in Georgia versus Diesel Tractors
  Topics : Green supply chain | Logistics costs | Logistics
May 09, 2024Adoption of Electric Freight Trucks Stalling in Face of High Costs
Ryder Study Finds Big Cost Advantage for Traditional Diesel
  Topics : Green supply chain | Logistics costs | Logistics | Transportation | Trucking
May 02, 2024Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: The Environmental and Financial Advantages of Renewable Diesel for Trucking versus Battery Electric
RD has Powerful Advantages, New ATRI Report Finds
  Topics : Green supply chain | Transportation | Trucking

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