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March 20, 2023Supply Chain News: The Demographic Wallop that will Soon Hit Chinese Families
The Disastrous Results of 35 Years of the One Child Policy Coming Home to Roost
  Topics : China | Economic News | Supply Chain Trends
March 14, 2023Supply Chain News: Will India Supplant China as Factory for the World?
Expert Says Tensions with China will Rise to the Point that Companies will be Forced To Move Manufacturing Out
  Topics : China | Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Outsourcing/offshoring
February 23, 2023Nearing Supply Chain Armageddon?
If China Crosses this Red Line, the World May never be the Same, Author Says
  Topics : China | Supply Chain and Government | Supply chain risk | Supply chain security
February 09, 2023The Importance of Pre-Shipment Inspections for Supply Chain Diversification
Pre-shipment Inspections can Mean the Difference Between Success and Failure in Today’s Competitive Global Market
  Topics : China | Supply chain excellence | Supply Chain Experts | Supply chain strategy
January 02, 2023Global Supply Chain News: China to Overtake US Economy in 2035 – or Maybe Never
Goldman Sachs Pushes Our Date for what is Says is Inevitable, while Japanese Think Tank Now Says it May not Happen for Decade
  Topics : China | Economic News | Manufacturing | Supply Chain Trends
December 14, 2022Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: US Manufacturing Costs Lower than China's?
Cheaper Feedstock Costs, Proximity to Customers have Changed the Status Quo, Report Claims
  Topics : China | Global supply chain | Manufacturing | Supply chain costs
November 02, 2022Supply Chain News: Scandal in Autonomous Truck Sector, as Leader TuSimple Fires CEO Founder, amid Allegations He Shared Technology with Chinese Firm
CEO Says he will be Vindicated, as US Goverment also has Concerns over Chinese Ties
  Topics : China | Supply Chain and Government | Transportation | Trucking
October 25, 2022Global Supply Chain News: Slowly but Steadily, China is Losing Manufacturing Market Share
China Lost Volume mostly Going to Other Asian Countries
  Topics : China | Global logistics | Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Manufacturing
August 24, 2022Supply Chain News: Chinese eCommerce Giant to Enter US Market
Pinduoduo Model Encourages Group Buying to Lower Prices
  Topics : China | e-fulfillment | ecommerce
August 22, 2022China No Closer to Peak Coal Despite Record Renewable Capacity Additions
Environmental Groups Fear Growing Energy Security Concerns Mean Coal use and CO2 Emissions Could Peak at a Much Higher Level
  Topics : China | GREEN_WEB

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