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October 24, 2023Steps to Protect against to Supply Chain Cyber Attacks
Boston Consulting Group off Smart Tips to Reduce Growing Risks
  Topics : Supply chain risk | Supply Chain
October 18, 2023Supply Chain News: Gartner Says Procurement Leaders are Slow to Address Supplier Slavery Risk
Poses Major Challenge, As Gartner Finds Just Half of Companies Even Trying to Address the Issue are Making Progress
  Topics : Global sourcing | Global supply chain | Procurement/Supplier Management | Supply chain risk
April 14, 2023Are Investments in Supply Chain Technologies not Delivering to Expectations? Part 2
A Framework to Think about Supply Chain Technology Project Risks
  Topics : Supply chain risk | Supply chain thought leadership | Supply Chain
April 05, 2023Global Supply Chain News: Are “Spy Cranes” from China a Major US Security Risk?
Chinese Crane Maker ZPMC now Dominates the Market, with Machines Full of Sensors
  Topics : China | Global logistics | Ocean carriers | Supply Chain and Government | Supply chain risk
February 23, 2023Nearing Supply Chain Armageddon?
If China Crosses this Red Line, the World May never be the Same, Author Says
  Topics : China | Supply Chain and Government | Supply chain risk | Supply chain security
February 15, 2023Supply Chain News: Cargo Theft Events Up 20% in 2022, Annual Report from CargoNet Finds
Fictitious Pick Up Thefts Soared Last Year
  Topics : Supply chain risk | Transportation
February 08, 2023Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: US Way Behind in Car Battery Materials and Production
That is a Risky Position to be In
  Topics : Outsourcing/offshoring | Supply Chain Experts | Supply chain risk
January 26, 2023Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Inventory Thefts by Type in 2022
Violent Hijackings Fell to Number 2 Spot Last Year, BSI Report Says
  Topics : Supply chain risk
November 16, 2022Supply Chain News: Supplier Audits for Labor and Environmental Practices often Scammed, Human Rights Watch Report Finds
Deception, Collusion, Disincentives
  Topics : Procurement/Supplier Management | Supply chain risk
November 09, 2022Four Key Strategies to Improve Supply Chain Resilience
Boston Consulting Group Says Companies must Keep Focus on the Whole
  Topics : Supply chain excellence | Supply chain risk | Supply chain strategy

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