| Adoption and Results from Supply Chain Planning and Analytics is not High |
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| Machine Learning Applied to Improve Forecast Accuracy |
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| Leverages Machine Learning, Massive Data Integration |
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| More Attention Paid to Brazen Retail Thefts, while Cargo Thieves Haul in Much more Loot |
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| Microsoft and Amazon AWS Announce Very Similar Initiatives |
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| Will Include Demand and Inventory Planning Capabilities, plus a New Approach to EDI |
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| Initiative Involves Demand-focused Analytics, Supply Chain Control Tower, Digital Twins and More |
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| The Organizational Design of the Supply Chain Function can have a Critical Impact on Overall Performance. McKinsey Says |
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| Always an Interesting Look at What Technologies are Delivering Consistent Value |
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| Better Service with Lower Inventories will Help Company Gain Market Share |
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