| New Movable Racking System Reduces Times from 45 minutes to Less than 5, Company Claims |
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 | Program takes Share of Freight Invoices with Data Discrepancies from 70% to 1% |
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 | Questions to Ask before Launching a Blockchain Initiative |
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 | Consultant Dap Wijeyeratne Says Push Hard for Equal Seat at the Table - but Assess Real and Perceived Business Risk from Strategy and Process Changes |
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 | This issue includes the recent Gartner report entitled "Apply the Supply Chain Maturity Model for Better Demand Planning." Provided by Demand Solutions. |
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 | Important Considerations for Choosing a Solution that your Partner Will Use |
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 | Trends, Opportunities and Next Generation Solutions |
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 | Suppliers Need Tactical, Real-Time Information that Allows Improvement or Correction to Supply Chain Processes |
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 | SCDigest editor Dan Gilmore and John DiPalo of Acsis Inc. discuss key study findings |
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 | New benchmark report on supplier integration, based on survey data from more than 100 supply chain professionals. Many manual processes still in use, but Cloud-based technology might just provide the answer. |
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