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December 05, 2023Inventory, Labor and Sustainability: How RFID Solves Today's Supply Chain Challenges
Report discusses why Companies Are Using IoT/RFID Technology for Supply Chain Operations and the many benefits of RAIN RFID adoption. Provided by Impinj.
  Topics : GREEN_WEB | Inventory management | Labor Management Systems | RFID software | RFID
November 30, 2023Why 97% of Supply Chain Professionals are Turning to RFID
Managing Labor Shortages Tops the List of Concerns for Supply Chain Organizations in a new Survey Report
  Topics : RFID software | RFID
October 01, 2015RFID and AIDC News: Time to Get Your RFID Implant? Plus Levi's Pilot Success with Intel RFID Platform
Transhumanist Says RFID Implants are the Way to Go, While Levi Strauss Store Achieves Nearly 100% Inventory Acurracy
  Topics : Retail industry supply chain | RFID and Privacy | RFID software | RFID
January 29, 2015Supply Chain Comment: Improving Asset Tracking with Hybrid RFID
Hybrid Combines the Best Features of Both Active and Passive Into One, Unified Visibility Solution
  Topics : RFID software | RFID
September 08, 2011RFID and AIDC News: New Life for the Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) in the End?
Somewhat Forgotten as RFID in Consumer Goods to Retail Floundered, the Standards for RFID Data Management Seeing a Comeback, Especially Overseas; US Retailers Just Starting to Get Interested
  Topics : RFID software | RFID
February 26, 2011White Paper: Experience the Best of Both Worlds
White Paper describes how you can solve real-world business challenges and improve product quality, operational efficiencies, asset utilization and revenue growth. Provided by Intelleflex Corporation.
  Topics : RFID software | RFID
March 24, 2010Signs are Pointing Up for RFID, AMR Analyst says, though Broad-based Supply Chain Applications still Lagging
Crawling Up from ''the Trough of Disillusionment''; More and More Production Projects Moving Forward
  Topics : Automatic Data Collection | RFID market size | RFID software | RFID
January 20, 2010Auto ID and RFID News: Americal Apparel to Test Combined EAS and RFID Tracking Tag
Retail Chain Joins Germany''s Metro Stores in Piloting the Approach; Can this be a Real Catylyst for Adoption?
  Topics : Automatic Data Collection | Retail industry supply chain | RFID software | RFID
November 18, 2009RFID News Round-Up, Nov. 16, 2009
Apple May Put Reader in iPhone; ABI Research Does Not See Much Core Supply Chain Use for RFID; Rhode Island RFID Bill Vetoed Again, More News
  Topics : RFID and Privacy | RFID market size | RFID software | RFID
August 12, 2009RFID and AIDC News: RFID-based Tracking of Reusable Logistics Containers has a Generally Compelling ROI
Improving Asset Utilization 100%; Lower Labor and Transport Costs Too
  Topics : RFID software | RFID

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