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November 05, 2014Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: What Type of Transportation Management System (TMS) Do Companies Have?
About a Quarter Get TMS from ERP Provider, While Total Best-of-Breed Tops that Number
  Topics : Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
June 19, 2014On-Demand Videocast: The Real Value of SaaS-TMS in Challenging Logistics Times
How can SaaS- based drive real value in these challenging logistics times? Our expert speaker, Chris Timmer of LeanLogistics lays out the details, from optimization to the ''network effect''
  Topics : Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
June 18, 2014Value SaaS TMS QA Podcast
A podcast of the excllent QA session following our Videocast on the Real Value of SaaS-based TMS in Challenging Logistics Times. Featuring Chris Timmer of LeanLogistics. Open to Listen, Save to Download
  Topics : Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
June 18, 2014Real Value of SaaS TMS Videocast Slides
Slides from our excellent videocast onm how SaaS-Based TMS drives real value for shippers - especially in these challenging logistics times. Featuring Chris Timmer of LeanLogistics
  Topics : On Demand Software | Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
December 11, 2013White Paper: Breakthrough Logistics Command Center Solution from Oracle
Report Details the Innovative New Logistics Command Center Application from Oracle, a Powerful New Analytics Tool that uses Real Operating Data from a TMS to Provide Optimized Answers to Opportunities and Changing Conditions
  Topics : Transportation Management Systems
October 03, 2013Supply Chain News: Focus on Transportation Costs is Increasing at Many Companies
In Period of Shrinking Margins, Transportation Emerges as Most Directly Controllable Supply Chain Expense
  Topics : Logistics costs | Logistics | Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
May 23, 2013Supply Chain Comment: Winning Transportation Management Strategies
Five Winning Transportation Strategies to Grow Revenues and Streamline Operations For Your Business
  Topics : Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
April 25, 2013Getting Good at Global Transportation Videocast QA Podcast
Podcast of the QA Session from our Videocast on Getting Really Good at Global Transportation Videocast, Featuring Fab Brasca of JDA – Excellent Discussion. To View the Broadcast, go to Open to Listen, Save to Download
  Topics : Global logistics | Ocean carriers | Transportation Management Systems | Transportation | Trucking
April 04, 2013Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Transportation Management is Truly Going Global
A Growing Number of Companies are Truly Starting to Think Globally in Managing Logistics
  Topics : Global logistics | Global supply chain | Logistics costs | Logistics | Transportation Management Systems | Transportation
April 01, 2013Global Transportation Benchmark Videocast QA Podcast
Podcast of the QA Session after our Videocsast Highlighting Results from the 2013 Global Transportation Benchmark Study. Open to Listen, Save to Download. To view the full broadcast, go to
  Topics : Global logistics | Global supply chain | Logistics costs | Logistics | Ocean carriers | Supply Chain studies | Transportation Management Systems | Transportation

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