Supply Chain Newsmakers Video Series:
A Cautious View of Blockchain in Supply Chain from Gartner's Klappich
June 4, 2018
There is no lack of hype about use of blockchain in the supply chain, that's for sure - though much of it from sources with a vested interest in its success.
While the technology holds promise, companies should take a more cautious view, says Gartner analyst Dwight Klappich in another edition of our Klappich's Corner regular video feature.
The real challenge will be getting an entire supply chain ecosystem on board with blockchain, Klappich says. There is promise down the road, especially for supply chain finance, but take a dose of some healthy skepticism for right now.
Klappich discusses all this and more in an interesting video discussion with SCDigest editor Dan Gilmore, an excerpt from one of our recent Supply Chain Video News broadcasts with CSCMP.
Pllease view the short video below.
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