From SCDigest's On-Target E-Magazine
- Oct. 15, 2013 -
Supply Chain News: What Happens to Logistics if Aging US Bridges are Deemed Impaired?
Are US Infrastructure Woes Finally Starting to Show? Running Circuitous Routes in Pennsylvania
SCDigest Editorial Staff
We have been part of the on-going debate about just how bad - or not - US logistics infrastructure really is.
One the one hand, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) keeps rolling out "report cards" saying that US logistics and other infrastructure is in horrible shape.
SCDigest Says: |
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An emerging issue is that most roads and bridges are actually "owned" and managed at the state level, where funding is even more questionable |
What Do You Say?
In its 2013 report last Spring, the US overall received a grade of D+, and the ASCE says $3.6 trillion beyond what we spend now will be needed to close the gaps over the next decade. That level of funding, of course, is a pipe dream.
The overall near failing grade from the ASCE includes some categories that aren't logistics related, such as drinking water and parks and recreation, but in general the results are similar across categories, with the exception of solid waste handling infrastructure, which received a B+.
For the logistics related areas, grades were as follows: Roads: D, Rail lines: C+, Ports: C, Inland Waterways: D, Bridges: C+.
That last grade was a bit surprising, as we've been hearing about the poor conditions of US bridges for years, accentuated by collapse of the I-35W Mississippi River bridge in St. Paul in 2007 that killed 13 people and injured 145.
That caused a lot of angst about perhaps other dangerous bridges out there, but the concern quickly dissipated. With the recession the next year and relatively modest budgets for transportation in the finally approved highway bill in 2012, little progress has been made in upgrading US roads and bridges, across which trucks still carry about 68% of total US freight tonnage, according to analysis from the American Trucking Associations. (See Interesting Predictions on How US Freight Market Will Play Out over Next 12 Years.)
The ATA actually expects trucking's share of freight movement to increase in coming years.
On Sept. 25, a section of the Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge near Green Bay buckled, and the bridge still remains closed to traffic.
On the other hand, in the bi-annual Logistics Performance Index rankings from the World Bank, US logistics infrastructure actually ranked fourth out of some 150 countries rated in the study.
That doesn't sound like the report from the ASCE, does it? And SCDigest will note that supply chain and logistics executives to date have rarely if ever cited infrastructure concerns as anywhere near the top of their list of challenges.
So who is right? Is it possible both perspectives are accurate?
The answer to that last question might just be Yes, as thousands of miles of roads and thousands of US bridges might be getting by in the short term, but are on the cusp of major issues that could severely impact shippers and carriers not too far down the road.
(Transportation Management Article Continued Below)