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February 14, 2022Supply Chain News: Don’t Give Up on Lean, Just-in-Time Inventory Quite Yet
Yossi Sheffi of MIT Says Companies May Be Overshooting New Inventory Buffers in the Face of Supply Disruptions
  Topics : Inventory management | Supply chain thought leadership
December 15, 2021Supply Chain News: The Potential for Lean Distribution
Lean Warehousing and Distribution Benefits Your Company, Customers, and Supply Chain, Expert Says
  Topics : Distribution | Inventory management | Lean | Warehouse design
October 27, 2021Supply Chain News: 10 Tips for Managing Inventories in a Time of Supply Shortages
Basic List of Suggestions still could Trigger some Ideas
  Topics : Inventory management | Procurement/Supplier Management | Supply chain risk
July 29, 2021Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: US Inventory Levels Continue to Fall
Savvy Management - or the Result of Supply Challenges?
  Topics : Inventory management
June 21, 2021Once Again, Here's Why JIT Matters
Media Reports on the End of Just in Time Really don't Get Lean
  Topics : Inventory management | Lean | Manufacturing
June 17, 2021The Pandemic Recovery and The Bullwhip Effect
Manufacturers Need to be Careful Not to React to Strongly to New Peaks in Demand
  Topics : Inventory management | Supply chain risk | Supply chain thought leadership
June 16, 2021Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Are Inventories Really Growing?
Despite Anecdotes about Companies Abandoning Lead Inventory Practices, the Data Tells a Different Tale
  Topics : Inventory management | Supply chain risk
December 03, 2020Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: US Inventories Now Trending Down after Pandemic Spike
Long Term Trend of Declining Inventory Levels was Reversed Coming Out of the Great Recession
  Topics : Inventory management
August 28, 2020Supply Chain Graphic of the Week: Retail out of Stocks Remain High in Many Categories
Lean Inventory and Capacity Strategies by Manufacturers is Key Factor
  Topics : Consumer goods industry supply chain | Inventory management | Retail industry supply chain
August 25, 2020With Shelves Still Empty, Lean Supply Chain Practices get the Blame
CPG Factories Maxed Out in the Face of Surging Demand, Forgot the Part of Lean that Called for Backup Plans
  Topics : Consumer goods industry supply chain | Inventory management | Lean | Retail industry supply chain

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