Allows companies to easily calculate the TCO for a general warehouse management system project, or to compare the TCO of WMS systems between vendors, a critical step in WMS vendor selection
Dayton, OH -- Supply Chain Digest, the leading on-line newsletter and web site for busy supply chain and logistics professionals to get news and insight and to find solutions, announced today it has released a new Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator for Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).
The calculator is an Excel-based spreadsheet template that enables users to enter one-time and on-going costs for Warehouse Management Systems across a number of categories.
The calculator is free for Supply Chain Digest subscribers, and subscriptions to SCDigest are also free with registration.
To download the calculator, visit, or find it under our Reports and Insight section at
"In evaluating potential vendors, accurately estimating total cost of ownership is critical," said Supply Chain Digest editor Dan Gilmore. "Yet, this is often an area where companies don't put the right amount of effort. This tool can help those looking at Warehouse Management Systems get their arms around this key issue."
Look for other valuable tools soon from Supply Chain Digest.