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Aug. 25, 2023
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bullet A Premature End to the China Century? bullet SCDigest On-Target e-Magazine
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Supply Chain Graphic
of the Week


Key 1H 2023 Warehouse Space Metrics


This Week's Supply Chain Numbers

Atlanta Fed sees Hot US Economy
Freight Tonnage Falls again in July
Amazon Shipping is Back
Yellow Freight's Network Up for Bid


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Expert Insight

Supply Chain Technology Is Changing The Way SMBs Compete

Real-Time Visibility Into Inventory Levels, Order Status, and Shipment Tracking Enables SMBs to Monitor and Manage Their Supply Chains More Effectively


Sam Polakoff
Founder and CEO


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Cloudy Outlook but With a Glimmer of Optimism

Expectations of Lower Import Demand for the Rest of the Year and Retailer Cautiousness Will not Bode Well for the Last Mile


Jay Kent
Managing Director
SLB Performance


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How can a WMS be used for your Micro-Fulfillment Center?


Its Purpose Consists of Bringing the Logistics arm of Your Operation Closer to the Customer and end Consumer


Victoria Cardenas
Strategic Account Executive


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 This Week's SCDigest OnTarget Newsletter

Cartoon, Top SCDigest Stories of the Week

Which sector (manufacturing, retail, wholesale) has the lowest inventoty-to-sales ratio?
Answer Found at the
Bottom of the Page


A Premature End to the China Century?

I was in grad school in the 1980s with a business class led by a professor who openly admired the Japanese way of centralized economic planning.

At the time, it sure seemed to be working. Japanese companies in the electronics, automotive and some other sectors were thriving and innovating, while rich Japanese citizens were buying US real estate, to the dismay of many.



Net it all out, and a few pundits are now predicting China will never surpass US GDP, or at least not for many decades.

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It didn't last. Starting in the early 1990s, the Japanese economy and its stock market amazingly have basically flatlined ever since.

Is the same fate headed for China?

It's hard to imagine. For four decades, China has seen economic growth at perhaps historically unprecedented levels for such a long period of time. China devastated Western manufacturing as it took on the role of "factory to the world," leading to non-stop plant closures across the US and Europe.

China also increasingly touted and expanded its military and economic might, launching as just one example its "Belt and Road Initiative," in which it used infrastructure investment first to connect logistically - and strategically - with Europe but then expanding the initiative to parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

It looked like China was using its wealth to take over the world.

Predictions from many sources forecast China would overtake the US in GDP soon in some cases just a few years for now.

And of course, China became central to thousands of company's supply chains. There was much talk about a "Chinese Century," in the way the US dominated the 1900s.

But that was then, this is now.

According to an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal this week, "What worked when China was playing catch-up makes less sense now that the country is drowning in debt and running out of things to build. Parts of China are saddled with under-used bridges and airports. Millions of apartments are unoccupied. Returns on investment have sharply declined."

The International Monetary Fund estimates China's GDP growth will be below 4% over the next few years, less than half of its growth for most of the past four decades. Capital Economics, a London-based research firm, says China's growth has slowed to 3% from 5% in 2019, and will fall to just 2% or so by 2030.

What is going on? First, it turns out much of China's growth was based on a multi-decade construction boom fueled (and financed) by both federal and local governments, as well as private and state-owned business. The aggressive building of logistics infrastructure, housing, and more generated massive debt in the process. In some years housing alone accounted for more than 25% of China's gross domestic product.

But that market is tanking, with huge numbers of unsold apartments, as many as 130 million.

Yet, as the economy slows, provinces continue to double down on construction programs, as the only elixir they can see. Case in point: the Journal reported that Yunnan province recently said it would spend millions of dollars to build a new Covid-19 quarantine facility, the size of about three football fields, despite China having ended its "zero-Covid" policy months ago, and long after the world moved on from the pandemic.

Build it and they won't come, you might say.

Then there is China's demographic woes. It has a rapidly aging population, and a soon to be shrinking workforce (see graphic below). Fewer workers means lower GDP. It is now commonly said of China that "It will be the first country to grow old before it became rich."

China's Worrisome Trends



Source: Wall Steet Journal


Growing tiffs with the US politically isn't helping China's economy either. The movement for reshoring or at least nearshoring for the first time seems to really have some momentum, after years of mostly talk and some anecdotes here and there.

The answer to China's economic malaise, some economists say, is for it to move to a more consumer-driven economy, as characterizes most developed economies. But China is resisting such a move, interestingly in part because more consumer spending versus savings would force government to spend a lot more on social safety nets.

Net it all out, and a few pundits are now predicting China will never surpass US GDP, or at least not for many decades.

There is another concern, and that is that with growing domestic pressure from a slowing economy, China might "do something bad," with invading Taiwan at the top of the list. That would send supply chains and the global economy into chaos.

We may be nearing the end of the "Chinese Century" just a few decades in, transforming supply chains and going back to the future.

Any reaction to these thoughts on China? Let us know your thoughts at the Feedback button or section below.


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On Demand Videocast:

Understanding Distributen

Highlights from the New "Little Book of Distributed Order Management"

In this outstanding Videocast, we'll discuss DOM, based on the new Little Book of Distributed Order Management, written by our two Videocast presenters.

Featuring Dan Gilmore, Editor along with Satish Kumar, VP Client Services, Softeon

Now Available On Demand

On Demand Videocast:

The Grain Drain: Large-Scale Grain Port Terminal Optimization

The Constraints and Challenges of Planning and Implementing Port Operations

This videocast will provide a walkthrough of two ways to formulate a MIP, present an example port, and discuss port operations.

Featuring Dan Gilmore, Editor along with Dr. Evan Shellshear, Head of Analytics, Biarri.

Now Available On Demand

On Demand Videocast:

A Blueprint for WMS Implementation Success

If You Want a Successful WMS Project, You will Find the Blueprint in this Excellent Broadcast

This videocast lays out the keys to ensuring your WMS implementation goes smoothly, involves minimal pain, and accelerates time to value.

Featuring Dan Gilmore, Editor along with Todd Kovi of Radix Consulting and Dinesh Dongre of Softeon.

Now Available On Demand


Feedback will return next week.

Which sector (manufacturing, retail, wholesale) has the lowest inventory-to-sales ratio?

A: Retail, according the Census Bureau