Chain by the Numbers |
- Dec. 9 , 2011
Amazon App Appalls Traditional Retailers; Much More US Foreign Direct Sales than Exports; Rail Carrier Operating Ratios Impress; YRC Worldwide Generates some Cash from Ops for a Change
300% |
How much more foreign affiliates/subsidiaries of US companies sell directly in overseas markets versus the level of US exports, according to a new report from the Council on Competitiveness. In 2009, the latest year for which data is available, such direct foreign sales by US companies operating in foreign countries totaled $4.88 trillion, versus exports of $1.57 trillion. In 2000, sales by all foreign affiliates of all global companies totaled about$33 trillion, meaning the US has about a 15% share of all such sales

The amount of positive cash flow generated in in operations Q3 by beleaguered LTL carrier YRC Worldwide in Q3, as the company shows signs of somewhat pulling out of the deep, deep financial hole it dug for itself from series of acquisitions in the past decade that led it to take on an overwhelming level of debt and caused operational issues. The company also had revenue growth of 14% in Q3, though it still posted huge losses in the quarter due to more charges for various financial restructuring moves.