In a first for us, an SCDigest reader is providing our Supply Chain Graphic of the Week. It comes from Marly Hazen of CTSI-Global, who sent us an "Infographic" she created on the disastrous condition of US bridges, based on a recent report on the subject by the Transportation for America.
Marly's cool inforgraphic is below.
Source: Marly Hazen
Transportation for America says that 69,223 bridges — 11.5% of total highway bridges in the US — are classified as "structurally deficient," requiring significant maintenance, rehabilitation or replacement.
There is a lot more information on the organization's web site, which can be found here: Transportation for America Bridge Study.
Thanks to Marly for pointing this out. The St. Paul bridged collapsed with tragic results in 2007 - and the issue has lost interest since then, unfortunately.
You can learn more on the issue from CTSI-Global here.
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